As a busy, stay at home mom of 5 I am always looking for easy ways to save time and money.
Over the years I have developed some tips and tricks that benefit my entire family and I love sharing these tips with my friends and my NEPA MOM readers.
From saving money and by planning meals in advance, to saving money on winter heating costs I hope these tricks and tips help you too.
Saving money doesn’t have to be a time consuming process, sometimes its the accumulation of a bunch of little things that end up saving you the most money. For example, having a meal plan means you have less food waste, which in turn means that you have less to purchase at the store. Another example is buying your meat in bulk. Yes, I know there is an expense upfront to purchasing the meat but once you have the meat in your freezer it cuts down on those last minute trips to the store for meat–and lets be honest, do we ever only get one item when we run to the store?
Implementing just a few tips and tricks into your daily live can save you hundreds over the course of a year.
Here are some easy ways to save.
Wondering How Does Ebates Work? Save money and earn money by shopping online!
Ways to Save Money in the New Year
Saving Money with a Weekly Meal Plan
Ways to Save on Your Winter Heating Costs
Ways to Save Money by buying your meat in Bulk
How to Freeze Fruits and Veggies to Use Later
Looking for some easy Ways to Save Money on Books? Check out this guest post I did for Brain Power Boy that you may find helpful.
Let me know what tips and tricks you end up implementing in your lives!