The past few weeks have been a blur. Swim team is ramping up, we have practice every night and it seems like we have meets every weekend and swim meets are L.O.N.G. Don’t get me wrong, we love it we really do, but it feels like we have been going 150% since Christmas with no sign of it slowing down any time soon.
I admit, being so busy has really thrown our schedule off and things have been slipping through the cracks. I haven’t been following my cleaning schedule. I haven’t been as good about meal planning. I have been getting up later and later in the mornings so that throws our schedule off for the whole day and because of that I’ve been grumpy–I know, hard to believe right? Well not if you live in my house!
I’m determined to get back into a routine and for me that starts with these simple tips for starting my day off right.
4 Tips for Starting Your Day Off Right
Get up early–preferably before the kids get up. Now “early” means different things to different people but by getting up before the kids, even if it is just 15-30 minutes gives me time to do #2 on the list.
Exercise–I need to get back on the exercise bandwagon and it needs to be first thing in the morning or it just doesn’t get done. Once the kids are awake we are busy with our daytime schedule, including school time and our nights are busy with practices–so first thing in the morning is key.
Prep for dinner–I find my nights go much easier when I prep dinner early and this is where my meal plan is key. By knowing in advance what we are having for dinner I can defrost meat needed, cut up any veggies and make sure that I have everything needed for dinner.
Take time for me–breakfast, school work and lunch fly by and finally I have a few minutes to catch my breath. Often feel like this is my time to get caught up on housework etc., but I find that the dinnertime rush, practice and bedtime routine go smoother when I have taken time for me. I absolutely love Lipton Teas. I don’t drink coffee so Lipton teas are my go to drink whenever I need a pick me up, whether it is first thing in the morning, at 3 pm or in the car on our way to afternoon swim practice. A nice cup of tea and a sweet snack only take a few minutes but it gives me a few moments to relax and recharge.
Lipton’s new black and herbal varieties and improved green teas refresh the tea experience with bold and stimulating flavors, such as Enticing Chai, Pure Green, Orange Passionfruit Jasmine and Peach Mango.
Real ingredients combine with the best herbal tea blends awaken the senses refresh standard tea time, creating an exciting and unique tea-drinking experience. Check out the full line-up of Lipton Green, Black and Herbal tea flavors here.
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
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