Have you ever wanted to learn Sign Language with your children? Well these classes may be just what you are looking for!
Great Imaginations LLC offers Mommy and Me and My Smart Hands(infant sign language) classes. Classes are now forming for the session beginning January 31st. This class is run in an 8 week session. In these classes you will learn over 100 signs to use with your child.
Classes are 45 minutes in length and are created for parents/caregivers and babies. In a playful, educational and language-rich environment, caregivers and children will build their American Sign Language (ASL) vocabulary through instruction, interactive games and songs.
Call (570) 848-2600 to reserve your spot. Refer a friend to a class and recieve a $10 credit towards your child’s tuition!
Make sure to tell her you heard about her classes on NEPA MOM!
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