This week marks Screen Free Week and did you know that studies show the preschoolers spend an average of 32 hours a week in front of screens ie. TV, computers and gaming systems? For older kids its even more. How much time do you kids spend in front of a screen? Be honest with yourself? Is it more than they should? How many harmful images do you think your child sees each week? How many commercials (product placement) do you think your child sees each week?
Now I’ll be honest here, I’m not committing to cutting out the screens completely this week, in fact I’m sitting in front of one now, but I am committing to cutting down the amount of time my family spends in front of screens this week. My husband and I recently talked about cutting out cable from our home and now that the weather is nicer (well relatively speaking) we are spending more time outside.
Won’t you commit to doing the same? Turn off the screens at least part of the time and I’m sure you will see results. Good luck! Let me know if you decided to participate, I would love to hear from you!
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