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NEPA MOM is so humbled to announce that we have been nominated for a Best Blog Award by Parents Magazine! I have NO idea who nominated me so THANK YOU to whoever you are!
I started this blog almost two years ago at the urging of my husband, who knew that I was trying to find family friendly things to do in NEPA and was having no success. He figured if I was struggling to find the events so were other families in the area. Since then it has grown and grown and I can only thank you, my readers for making it what it is today.
I have so many wonderful ideas for this site and hope to implement them over the next few months. In the meantime, could I ask you to PLEASE vote for NEPA MOM in the Parents Magazine Best Blog Award! I would really appreciate it!
Click here to vote for NEPA MOM!
Once again, thank you for reading NEPA MOM!
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