About a month ago I was asked by Keystone Crossfit if I would love to come and try out their facility and participate in a Bootcamp Challenge that they were holding. To be honest, I was hesitant to go. Two years ago I lost a significant amount of weight through diet and exercise but I had fallen back into old habits and knew I was terribly out of shape. However, my husband encouraged me to try it out so I headed off to Bootcamp.
I’m not going to lie, it was hard. I was so very discouraged at just how out of shape I was. I was discouraged that I couldn’t keep up and during every class I swore I was never going again…but to be honest with you, I ended up really enjoying it.
Was I sore? YES! But in a good way, because that meant I was working muscles that needed to be worked.
Was I embarrassed at how bad I was? YES! But the environment was extremely supportive and encouraging.
Did I have to do some weird exercises that pushed me beyond my physical capabilities (like burpees!) ? YES! But every exercise that I was asked to do I was given modifications, sometimes more than one modification–so I could chose my own skill and comfort level.
If you have ever wanted to challenge yourself and get yourself in shape then why not give Keystone Crossfit’s next Bootcamp a chance? They have a 6-week Bootcamp beginning on January 20th which will meet 2x a week (Tues/Thurs). Not sure if Bootcamp is for you? Then why not contact Coach Allison and make an appointment for a complementary one-on-one Intro session. In this session they will discuss Crossfit programs, give you a tour of their facility and do a a quick CrossFit workout called the Baseline. By the end you will know everything there is to know about their program, what they do, who they are, and if it’s right for you.
Sounds fun right? Seriously, if you have ever thought about trying Crossfit or have wondered what it is all about then give Allison a call-she is really sweet and will encourage you on your fitness journey!
Click here to be taken to Keystone Crossfit’s website for more details.
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