“I participated in an Influencer Activation for State Farm Neighborhood Assist. I received a promotional item to thank me for my participation.”
During the first few years of marriage my husband and I moved around many times as my husband built his career but we have now lived in the same place for over 7 years. As my kids have grown up in our community I have realized the importance of volunteering and giving back. I serve on my township’s recreation committee planning events for local youth and I am on the Annual Campaign committee for my local YMCA–helping them to raise funds for importance programs. My husband serves on some local boards and volunteers at our church as well, and these are all organizations that we have decided are worthwhile for us to donate our time and expertise to.
Giving back to your community doesn’t always have to take up much of your time, however and State Farm wants to help you give back the easiest way possible. The State Farm Neighborhood Assist program helps people identify issues in their communities and connects them to non-profits that can assist in solving the issues, making a positive impact in the community.
State Farm Neighborhood Assist wants to help make a difference in communities by giving grants to communities that are close to your heart. The Youth Advisory Board is made up of 30 students ages 17-20 from across the United States. Each student serves a 2 year term and they are charged with implementing a $5 million a year service learning initiative to address issues important to youth and communities across the country.
You can now help at risk communities without even having to leave your home!
The State Farm Neighborhood Assist program is currently in the voting stage so you can now help a worthwhile cause win just by casting your vote at home. Make sure to click here to vote for your favorite cause and help State Farm help make an impact in their community. There will be 40 organizations chosen to win $25,000 so every vote counts and many organizations and people will benefit.
I have cast my vote so won’t you cast yours too? Click her to be taken to the State Farm Neighborhood Assist voting page, cast your vote and encourage your friends and family to vote for their favorite cause too.
Want to learn more about the State Farm Neighborhood Youth Advisory Board? Check out this video:
Make sure to check out the program on Twitter to learn more and click here to be taken to the voting page to cast your vote for your favorite. Remember, your vote can help change lives!
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