How many of you are heading to the beach this year? Every year my family goes to the beach for a week. We have been going since out oldest was 2 so I have quite a few years of planning and packing for a beach vacation under my belt. It is always a great time but sometimes getting ready to go and trying to remember to take everything we need with us is stressful so I have put together a short list of what I feel are essentials when taking a baby to the beach.
Here are my Top 6 items you should have when taking baby to the beach!
1. A good baby sunblock–I was so worried every time we were out that her baby skin would be exposed and get sunburned. I finally lighted up by the end of the week but I did make sure to slather her in sunscreen whenever we were out.
2. A good baby sunhat–I like ones that have straps under the chin so that she can’t pull it off and drop it while we are walking. Make sure to chose one that has a wide brim to keep both their face and shoulders covered.
3. A wide umbrella to cover baby–When it is warm and sunny on the beach a large umbrella is a must have. Not only does this offer another layer of protection from the sun but it makes it a comfy and cool place for the baby to sit and play and nap during the day.
4. A blow up pool–One of my NEPA MOM readers suggested this and I LOVED this suggestion. By putting the pool under on the beach and then the baby in the pool it helped keep the majority of sand off of her and her hands, which in turn keep the sand out of her eyes. It also keep all of her toys close by and when it got hot we could add some water in the bottom for her to splash around in without actually having to take her in the ocean.
5. A good jogging stroller—I will be honest, I didn’t think a jogging stroller was a necessity BUT I ended up renting one and I loved having it on the beach. It was easy to maneuver on the hard sand, had a wide cover to put over the baby while strolling and was a great place for her to nap. I would just strap her in, take her for a stroll on the beach and she would fall asleep in the stroller. No need to go back to the house for naps!
6. Squeezable Snack pouches (like these here)– These snacks were great for the beach.Because of the seagulls, you are unable to take traditional “snacks” on the beach so I really loved having these pouches. They were easy to transport, didn’t need any utensils and didn’t make a mess.
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That’s it for now, what did I miss? What would you recommend for a beach vacation with baby?
Baby shampoo…leave in your beach house outside shower…many showers for the young kids and some baby shampoo is general to use frequently on them….this was a big help for us
Great list! I used to wrangle with the baby tent until I realized a good umbrella and a towel was all we needed.
I loved using my jogging stroller when we were traveling. It made it so much easier to get to places like the beach.