Now that the weather is getting warmer the clothes are getting smaller. We can no longer hide beneath bulky coats and sweaters or our favorite jeans. Cute shorts and skirts and tank tops are on their way as well as bathing suit season!
I have been working hard the last few weeks to shed the final baby weight(and then some!) and am on the cusp of a 25 lb weight loss. In addition to eating right I have been exercising and the results are beginning to show. Never before in my live have I had arm muscles and, while its still pretty pitiful, muscles are starting to show 🙂
I decided to make the month of May our accountably series and I hope that you will all share with me your weight struggles and that we can encourage each other to eat better and exercise every day. I have set up some great guest posts for the month that will highlight some great “diets” and lifestyle changes and I hope that by the end of May we have all transformed ourselves. It takes time, and it takes baby steps but we all need to take a few minutes a day to focus on ourselves. As Moms and busy women we often put ourselves last…lets change that–at least for 30 minutes a day.
So I got my 30 minutes of exercise in today–did you?
Are you in? Are you ready to commit 30 Days to a New You?
Image courtesy of luigi diamanti at
Great idea right in time for the spring/summer season!